‘Pulp Fiction’ quotes being thrown around, burgers too large to fit in ones mouth, French fries with mayonnaise? Yes, this was almost the American burger night we all enjoy, but this was dead center Italy. Tuscan style. Half Kilo burgers per person, and when one figures 2.2 grams per ounce, roughly 18-20 ounces of raw beautiful burger meat, ground within minutes of hitting the grill. One of my favorite things about Italy, or perhaps the one definite link to the ‘mother land’ I have found, is our mutual love for raw meat. This does not mean medium rare/rare, with a hint of pink in the middle in fear of too much blood. More likely it is also referred to by others (foreigners and people from northern Italy) as sashimi style. Tuscans love raw meat, and I am right there with them. This burgers were being built up throughout a day and a half so much that at first thought when the chef suggested it, his girlfriend immediately jumped on it. She said she had not had a good burger in a really long time, and thus the idea took off. Chef made homemade buns with sesame seeds and all. We have onions caramelized in balsamic done by our local Italian cooks leaving the ‘American’ to make the burgers. Even when someone to actually buy, the meat, chef was not to be stopped and went into the walk-in fridge and pulled out beautiful rib eye meat that we use for tartar, and said “Sean, vie!” Which means GO!!!!!!….. And so, grinding, forming, and grilling this behemoth was a lot of fun. We sat down and to my surprise even after months of mocking about ketchup; they busted it out for burger night. Even one Italian brand ketchup which some used (just more of a tomato flavor). Mayonnaise on the French fries. Everyone, even Kimberly, devoured the burgers in almost a deathly quiet moment. We all kind of looked around after and laughed because they went in such an animalistic way. Chianti classico was served and was not ever drunk, because beer seemed to be beverage of choice that night. That was until our semi-nightly ending of café (espresso) followed by grappa. The Italians know how to live well, even when trying to do it American style.